Source code for superblockify.metrics.metric

"""Metric object for the superblockify package."""

import pickle
from os.path import join, exists

from .distances import (
from .measures import (
from .plot import (
from ..config import logger, Config
from ..plot import save_plot
from ..utils import compare_dicts
from ..graph_stats import basic_graph_stats

[docs] class Metric: r"""Metric object to be used with partitioners. A metric object is used to calculate the quality of a partitioning. It holds the information on several network metrics, which can be read, and can be used to calculate them when passing a Partitioner object. There are different network measures - :math:`d_E(i, j)`: Euclidean - :math:`d_S(i, j)`: Shortest path on full graph - :math:`d_N(i, j)`: Shortest path with ban through Superblocks We define several types of combinations of these metrics: (i, j are nodes in the graph) The network metrics are the following: - Coverage (fraction of network covered by a partition): C = sum(1 if i in partition else 0) / len(graph.nodes) - Components (number of connected components): C = len(graph.components) - Average path length: - :math:`A(E) = \mathrm{mean}(d_E(i, j))` where :math:`i \neq j` - :math:`A(S) = \mathrm{mean}(d_S(i, j))` where :math:`i \neq j` - :math:`A(N) = \mathrm{mean}(d_N(i, j))` where :math:`i \neq j` - Directness: - :math:`D(E, S) = \mathrm{mean}(d_E(i, j) / d_S(i, j))` where :math:`i \neq j` - :math:`D(E, N) = \mathrm{mean}(d_E(i, j) / d_N(i, j))` where :math:`i \neq j` - :math:`D(S, N) = \mathrm{mean}(d_S(i, j) / d_N(i, j))` where :math:`i \neq j` - Global efficiency: - :math:`G(i; S/E) = \sum(1/d_S(i, j)) / \sum(1/d_E(i, j))` where for each sum :math:`i \neq j` - :math:`G(i; N/E) = \sum(1/d_N(i, j)) / \sum(1/d_E(i, j))` where for each sum :math:`i \neq j` - :math:`G(i; N/S) = \sum(1/d_N(i, j)) / \sum(1/d_S(i, j))` where for each sum :math:`i \neq j` Attributes ---------- coverage : float The coverage of the partitioning takes of the whole graph num_components : int The number of components in the graph avg_path_length : dict The average path length of the graph for each network measure {"E": float, "S": float, "N": float} directness : dict The directness of the graph for the network measure ratios {"ES": float, "EN": float, "SN": float} global_efficiency : dict The global efficiency of the graph for each network measure {"SE": float, "NE": float, "NS": float} local_efficiency : dict The local efficiency of the graph for each network measure {"SE": float, "NE": float, "NS": float} high_bc_clustering : float The clustering coefficient of the nodes with the highest betweenness centrality high_bc_anisotropy : float The anisotropy of the nodes with the highest betweenness centrality distance_matrix : dict The distance matrices for each network measure predecessor_matrix : dict The predecessor matrices for each network measure unit : str The unit to use for the shortest distance calculation, either "time", "distance", ``None`` for hops, or a custom unit string found as edge attribute in the graph node_list : list The list of nodes in the graph, used for the distance matrices graph_stats : dict The general graph statistics, see :func:`superblockify.metrics.graph_stats.basic_graph_stats` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, unit="time"): """Construct a metric object. Parameters ---------- unit : str, optional The unit to use for the shortest distance calculation, by default "time", can also be "distance", if ``None`` count hops. """ # Partitioning metrics self.coverage = None self.num_components = None self.avg_path_length = {"S": None, "N": None} self.directness = {"SN": None} self.global_efficiency = {"NS": None} self.high_bc_clustering = None self.high_bc_anisotropy = None # Intermediate results self.distance_matrix = {} self.predecessor_matrix = {} self.unit = unit self.node_list = None # General graph metrics self.graph_stats = None
[docs] def unit_symbol(self): """Return unit string represented by the :attr:`unit` attribute. Returns ------- str The unit symbol, either "s", "m", "hops" or the unit string in brackets. """ if self.unit == "time": return "s" if self.unit == "distance": return "m" if self.unit is None: return "hops" return f"({self.unit})"
[docs] def calculate_general_stats(self, graph): """Calculate general graph metrics Parameters ---------- graph : Graph The graph to calculate the metrics for Notes ----- These metrics are only dependent on the graph, not on the partitioning. This way it is not necessary to calculate them for each partitioning, but only once per graph/city. """ self.graph_stats = basic_graph_stats(graph, area=graph.graph["area"])
[docs] def calculate_before(self, partitioner, betweenness_range=None, make_plots=False): """Calculate metrics on unrestricted graph Metrics that should be available to partitioners for use in their partitioning algorithm. This includes - Shortest paths and distances on the unrestricted graph - Betweenness centralities on the unrestricted graph Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner The partitioner object to calculate the metrics for betweenness_range : int, optional The range to use for calculating the betweenness centrality, by default None, which uses the whole graph. If it is not None, two types of betweenness centralities are calculated. The whole one is always needed for other statistics. Its unit is determined by the :attr:`unit` attribute. For convenience, when using the "time" unit, the range is interpreted as meter able to travel at 30 km/h, and converted to seconds. make_plots : bool, optional Whether to plot the distributions of the shortest paths and distances, by default False. """ if self.node_list is None and partitioner.partitions is None: self.node_list = list(partitioner.graph.nodes) else: self.node_list = partitioner.get_sorted_node_list() if self.unit == "distance": self.distance_matrix["E"] = calculate_euclidean_distance_matrix_projected( partitioner.graph, node_order=self.node_list, plot_distributions=make_plots, ) # On the full graph (S) weight = ( "length" if self.unit == "distance" else "travel_time" if self.unit == "time" else self.unit ) ( self.distance_matrix["S"], self.predecessor_matrix["S"], ) = calculate_path_distance_matrix( partitioner.graph, weight=weight, unit_symbol=self.unit_symbol(), node_order=self.node_list, plot_distributions=make_plots, ) betweenness_centrality( partitioner.graph, self.node_list, self.distance_matrix["S"], self.predecessor_matrix["S"], weight=weight, # No `attr_suffix` for the full graph ) if betweenness_range is not None: betweenness_centrality( partitioner.graph, self.node_list, self.distance_matrix["S"], self.predecessor_matrix["S"], weight=weight, attr_suffix="_range_limited", max_range=( betweenness_range if self.unit != "time" else betweenness_range / 30 * 3.6 ), # t = s / v = range / (30 km/h) * (3600 s/h) = range / 30 * 3.6 ) self.calculate_high_bc_clustering( partitioner.graph, Config.CLUSTERING_PERCENTILE )
[docs] def calculate_all( self, partitioner, replace_max_speeds=True, make_plots=False, ): """Calculate all metrics for the partitioning. If :meth:`calculate_before` has been called before partitioning, only the remaining metrics are calculated. Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner The partitioner object to calculate the metrics for replace_max_speeds : bool, optional If True and unit is "time", calculate the quickest paths in the restricted graph with the max speeds :attr:`V_MAX_LTN` and :attr:`V_MAX_SPARSE` set in :mod:`superblockify.config`. Default is True. make_plots : bool, optional Whether to make plots of the distributions of the distances for each network measure, by default False """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument # Calculate also in case it has been called before, as graph might have changed self.calculate_before(partitioner, make_plots=make_plots) if self.unit == "distance": self.avg_path_length["E"] = None self.directness["ES"], self.directness["EN"] = None, None self.global_efficiency["SE"], self.global_efficiency["NE"] = None, None self.coverage = calculate_coverage(partitioner, weight="length") logger.debug("Coverage (length): %s", self.coverage) weight_restricted = ( "length" if self.unit == "distance" else ( "travel_time" if self.unit == "time" and not replace_max_speeds else ( "travel_time_restricted" if self.unit == "time" and replace_max_speeds else self.unit ) ) ) ( self.distance_matrix["N"], self.predecessor_matrix["N"], ) = calculate_partitioning_distance_matrix( partitioner, weight=weight_restricted, unit_symbol=self.unit_symbol(), node_order=self.node_list, plot_distributions=make_plots, ) betweenness_centrality( partitioner.graph, self.node_list, self.distance_matrix["N"], self.predecessor_matrix["N"], weight=weight_restricted, attr_suffix="_restricted", ) self.calculate_all_measure_sums() write_relative_increase_to_edges( partitioner.graph, self.distance_matrix, self.node_list, "N", "S", ) add_ltn_means( partitioner.get_ltns(), edge_attr=[ "edge_betweenness_normal", "edge_betweenness_length", "edge_betweenness_linear", "edge_betweenness_normal_restricted", "edge_betweenness_length_restricted", "edge_betweenness_linear_restricted", ], ) add_relative_changes( partitioner.get_ltns(), [ ( "mean_edge_betweenness_normal", "mean_edge_betweenness_normal_restricted", ), ( "mean_edge_betweenness_length", "mean_edge_betweenness_length_restricted", ), ( "mean_edge_betweenness_linear", "mean_edge_betweenness_linear_restricted", ), ], ) if make_plots: # sort distance matrix dictionaries to follow start with E, S, N, ... d_m = self.distance_matrix self.distance_matrix = {} for key in ["E", "S", "N"]: if key in d_m: self.distance_matrix[key] = d_m[key] self.make_all_plots(partitioner)
[docs] def make_all_plots(self, partitioner): """Make all plots for the metrics. Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner The partitioner object to calculate the metrics for """ if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 10: fig, _ = plot_distance_matrices( self, name=f"{} - {partitioner.__class__.__name__}" ) save_plot( partitioner.results_dir, fig, f"{}_distance_matrices.{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", ) fig, _ = plot_relative_difference( self, "N", "S", title=f"{} - Relative difference in " f"{self.__class__.__name__}", ) save_plot( partitioner.results_dir, fig, f"{}_relative_difference_SN." f"{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", ) fig, _ = plot_component_wise_travel_increase( partitioner, self.distance_matrix, self.node_list, measure1="N", measure2="S", unit=self.unit_symbol(), ) save_plot( partitioner.results_dir, fig, f"{}_component_wise_travel_increase.{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", ) fig, _ = plot_relative_increase_on_graph(partitioner.graph, self.unit_symbol()) save_plot( partitioner.results_dir, fig, f"{}_relative_increase_on_graph.{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", )
# self.coverage = self.calculate_coverage(partitioner) # logger.debug("Coverage: %s", self.coverage)
[docs] def calculate_all_measure_sums(self): """Based on the distance matrix, calculate the network measures. Calculate the directness, global and local efficiency for each network measure and write them to the corresponding attributes. """ # Directness for key in self.directness: self.directness[key] = calculate_directness( self.distance_matrix, key[0], key[1] ) logger.debug("Directness %s: %s", key, self.directness[key]) # Global efficiency for key in self.global_efficiency: self.global_efficiency[key] = calculate_global_efficiency( self.distance_matrix, key[0], key[1] ) logger.debug("Global efficiency %s: %s", key, self.global_efficiency[key])
[docs] def calculate_high_bc_clustering(self, graph, percentile): """Calculate the high betweenness node clustering and anisotropy. High betweenness nodes are the nodes above the given percentile of the betweenness centrality distribution. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph The graph to calculate the high betweenness node clustering for, needs to have x, y, and node_betweenness_normal attribute for each node. percentile : float or int The percentile of the betweenness centrality to use as a threshold for high betweenness nodes. 0.0 < percentile < 100.0. Raises ------ ValueError If percentile is not a float between 0.0 and 100.0. """ if not isinstance(percentile, (float, int)): raise ValueError( f"percentile needs to be a float or int, not {type(percentile)}" ) if not 0.0 < percentile < 100.0: raise ValueError( f"percentile needs to be between 0.0 and 100.0, not {percentile}" ) self.high_bc_clustering, self.high_bc_anisotropy = calculate_high_bc_clustering( node_x=[graph.nodes[node]["x"] for node in self.node_list], node_y=[graph.nodes[node]["y"] for node in self.node_list], node_betweenness=[ graph.nodes[node]["node_betweenness_normal"] for node in self.node_list ], percentile=percentile / 100, )
def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the metric object. Only returns the attributes that are not None or for a dict the attributes that are not None for each key. If all attributes in a dict are None, it is not returned. If no attributes are not None, an empty string is returned. """ string = "" for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if key == "node_list": continue if value is not None or key == "unit": if isinstance(value, dict): if all(v is None for v in value.values()): continue string += f"{key}: " for key2, value2 in value.items(): if value2 is not None: string += f"{key2}: {value2}, " string = string[:-2] + "; " else: string += f"{key}: {value}; " return string def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of the metric object. Additional to the __str__ method, it also returns the class name. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.__str__()})" def __eq__(self, other): """Return True if the two objects are equal. Tests the equality of the attributes of the objects. Used in input-output tests. """ return compare_dicts(self.__dict__, other.__dict__)
[docs] def save(self, folder, name, dismiss_distance_matrix=False): """Save the metric to a file. Will be saved as a pickle file at folder/name.metrics. Parameters ---------- folder : str The folder to save the metric to. name : str The name of the file to save the metric to. dismiss_distance_matrix : bool, optional If True, the distance matrix will not be saved. Default is False. """ metrics_path = join(folder, name + ".metrics") # Check if metrics already exist if exists(metrics_path): logger.debug("Metrics already exist, overwriting %s", metrics_path) else: logger.debug("Saving metrics to %s", metrics_path) if dismiss_distance_matrix: # Get distance_matrix and predescessor_matrix reference distance_matrix = self.distance_matrix predecessor_matrix = self.predecessor_matrix # Set distance_matrix and predescessor_matrix to None self.distance_matrix = None self.predecessor_matrix = None with open(metrics_path, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(self, file) if dismiss_distance_matrix: # Set distance_matrix and predescessor_matrix back to original self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix self.predecessor_matrix = predecessor_matrix
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, name): """Load a partitioning from a file. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file to load the partitioning from. Returns ------- partitioning : Partitioning The loaded partitioning. """ metrics_path = join(Config.RESULTS_DIR, name, name + ".metrics") logger.debug("Loading metrics from %s", metrics_path) with open(metrics_path, "rb") as file: metrics = pickle.load(file) return metrics