Source code for superblockify.partitioning.base

"""BasePartitioner parent and dummy."""  # pylint: disable=too-many-lines

import pickle
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from itertools import chain
from os import makedirs
from os.path import join, exists
from typing import final, Final, List

import osmnx as ox
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from networkx import (
from osmnx.stats import edge_length_total
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from .checks import is_valid_partitioning
from .plot import (
from .representative import set_representative_nodes
from .speed import add_edge_travel_times_restricted
from .utils import (
from .. import attribute
from ..config import logger, Config
from ..graph_stats import calculate_component_metrics
from ..metrics.metric import Metric
from ..plot import save_plot
from ..population.tessellation import add_edge_cells
from ..utils import load_graph_from_place, load_graphml_dtypes

[docs] class BasePartitioner(ABC): """Parent class for partitioning graphs. Notes ----- This class is an abstract base class and should not be instantiated directly. Examples -------- >>> from superblockify.partitioning import BasePartitioner >>> import osmnx as ox >>> name, search_str = "Resistencia", "Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina" >>> graph = ox.graph_from_place(search_str, network_type="drive") >>> part = BasePartitioner(graph=graph, name=name) >>> >>> from superblockify.partitioning import BasePartitioner >>> import osmnx as ox >>> part = BasePartitioner( ... name="Resistencia", search_str="Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina" ... ) >>>, make_plots=True, num_workers=6) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, name="unnamed", city_name=None, search_str=None, unit="time", graph=None, reload_graph=False, max_nodes=Config.MAX_NODES, ): """Constructing a BasePartitioner Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the graph's city. It Will be used as a folder name for results and plot titles. Default is "unnamed". city_name : str Name of the city, for looking up the graph. If the graph is not found, it will be downloaded from OSMnx using the `search_str`. Default is None. Used, so multiple `Partitioner` don't need to download the same city graph. search_str : str or list of str, optional Search string for OSMnx to download a graph, default is None. Only used if no graph is found under :attr:`GRAPH_DIR`/city_name.graphml. For composite cities, a list of search strings can be provided. unit : str, optional Unit for the metrics, can be "time", "distance" or any other edge attribute that is present in the graph. Default is "time". graph : networkx.MultiDiGraph, optional Graph to partition. Used if no graph is found under :attr:`GRAPH_DIR`/name.graphml and `search_str` is None. Default is None. reload_graph : bool, optional If True, reload the graph from OSMnx, even if a graph with the name `name.graphml` is found in the working directory. Default is False. max_nodes : int, optional Maximum number of nodes in the graph. If the graph has more nodes, it will be reduced to `max_nodes`, by taking the ego graph of a representative, central node. If None, the graph will not be reduced. Default is set in :mod:`superblockify.config`. Raises ------ ValueError If neither graph nor search_str are provided. ValueError If name is not a string or empty. ValueError If city_name is not a string or empty. KeyError If search_str is given, it must be a string or list of non-empty strings. Notes ----- :attr:`GRAPH_DIR` is set in :mod:`superblockify.config`. """ if not isinstance(name, str) or name == "": raise ValueError("Name must be a non-empty string.") if not isinstance(city_name, str) or city_name == "": raise ValueError("City name must be a non-empty string.") if not ( search_str is None or (isinstance(search_str, str) and search_str != "") or ( isinstance(search_str, list) and all(isinstance(s, str) and s != "" for s in search_str) and search_str != [] ) ): raise KeyError( "Search_str must be a non-empty string or a list of non-empty strings." ) # First check weather a graph is found under GRAPH_DIR/city_name.graphml graph_path = join(Config.GRAPH_DIR, f"{city_name}.graphml") if exists(graph_path): self.graph = self.load_or_find_graph(city_name, search_str, reload_graph) elif search_str is not None: self.graph = self.load_or_find_graph(city_name, search_str) elif graph is not None: self.graph = graph else: raise ValueError("Either graph or search_str must be provided.") if max_nodes is not None and self.graph.number_of_nodes() > max_nodes: self.graph = reduce_graph(self.graph, max_nodes=max_nodes) remove_dead_ends_directed(self.graph) show_highway_stats(self.graph) show_graph_stats(self.graph) # Create results directory self.results_dir = join(Config.RESULTS_DIR, name) if not exists(self.results_dir): makedirs(self.results_dir) # Set Instance variables Final[str] = name self.city_name: str = city_name self.partitions: List[dict] | None = None self.components: List[dict] | None = None self.sparsified = None self.attribute_label: str | None = None self.attribute_dtype: type | None = None self.attr_value_minmax: tuple | None = None self.metric = Metric(unit) # Log initialization "Initialized %s(%s) with %d nodes and %d edges.",, self.__class__.__name__, len(self.graph.nodes), len(self.graph.edges), )
[docs] @final def run( self, calculate_metrics=True, make_plots=False, replace_max_speeds=False, **part_kwargs, ): """Run partitioning. Parameters ---------- calculate_metrics : str or bool, optional If True, calculate metrics for the partitioning. If False, don't. Save them to self.results_dir/metrics. Default is True. make_plots : bool, optional If True, make plots of the partitioning and save them to self.results_dir/figures. Default is False. replace_max_speeds : bool, optional If True and :attr:`self.metric.unit` is "time", calculate the quickest paths in the restricted graph with the max speeds :attr:`V_MAX_LTN` and :attr:`V_MAX_SPARSE` set in :mod:`superblockify.config`. Default is False. **part_kwargs Passed to :meth:`self.partition_graph`. Depends on the abstract method :meth:`self.partition_graph` of the subclass. Warnings -------- If :attr:`self.metric.unit` is not "time", replace_max_speeds is ignored. """ # Warn if replace_max_speeds is not None when unit is not "time" if self.metric.unit != "time" and replace_max_speeds is not None: logger.warning("replace_max_speeds is ignored when unit is not 'time'.") replace_max_speeds = None self.partition_graph(make_plots=make_plots, **part_kwargs) # Set representative nodes set_representative_nodes(self.get_ltns()) # Calculate travel times for partitioned graph add_edge_travel_times_restricted(self.graph, self.sparsified) # Check that the partitions and sparsified graph satisfy the requirements is_valid_partitioning(self) if make_plots: if self.partitions: fig, _ = plot_partition_graph(self) save_plot( self.results_dir, fig, f"{}_partition_graph.{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", ) fig, _ = plot_component_rank_size(self, "length") save_plot( self.results_dir, fig, f"{}_component_rank_size.{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", ) if self.components: fig, _ = plot_component_graph(self) save_plot( self.results_dir, fig, f"{}_component_graph.{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", ) if replace_max_speeds: fig, _ = plot_speed_un_restricted(self.graph, self.sparsified) save_plot( self.results_dir, fig, f"{}_speed_un_restricted.{Config.PLOT_SUFFIX}", ) if calculate_metrics: self.calculate_metrics( make_plots=make_plots, replace_max_speeds=replace_max_speeds, ) calculate_component_metrics(self.get_ltns()) if make_plots:
[docs] @abstractmethod def partition_graph(self, make_plots=False, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Partition the graph. Parameters ---------- make_plots : bool, optional If True, make plots of the partitioning and save them to self.results_dir/figures. Default is False. Notes ----- This method should be implemented by the child class, kwargs are handed down from the `run` method. """ self.attribute_label = "example_label" # Define partitions self.partitions = [ {"name": "zero", "value": 0.0}, {"name": "one", "value": 1.0}, ]
[docs] def calculate_metrics( self, make_plots=False, replace_max_speeds=True, ): """Calculate metrics for the partitioning. Calculates the metrics for the partitioning and writes them to the metrics dictionary. It includes the network metrics for the partitioned graph. There are different network measures - :math:`d_E(i, j)`: Euclidean - :math:`d_S(i, j)`: Shortest path on full graph - :math:`d_N(i, j)`: Shortest path with a ban through Superblocks Parameters ---------- make_plots : bool, optional If True show visualization graphs of the approach. If False, only print into console. Default is False. replace_max_speeds : bool, optional If True and unit is "time", replace max speeds set in :mod:`superblockify.config`. Default is True. """ # Log calculating metrics"Calculating metrics for %s", self.metric.calculate_all( partitioner=self, replace_max_speeds=replace_max_speeds, make_plots=make_plots, ) logger.debug("Metrics for %s: %s",, self.metric)
[docs] def calculate_metrics_before(self, make_plots=False, betweenness_range=None): """Calculate metrics for the graph before partitioning. Calculates the metrics that might be used by a partitioning approach. It includes the network shortest paths :math:`d_S(i, j)` on the full graph and betweenness centralities. Parameters ---------- make_plots : bool, optional If True show visualization graphs of the approach. If False, only print into console. Default is False. betweenness_range : int, optional The range to use for calculating the betweenness centrality, by default None, which uses the whole graph. Its unit is meters. If it is not None, two types of betweenness centralities are calculated. The whole one is always needed for other statistics. """ # Log calculating metrics"Calculating metrics for %s before partitioning", self.metric.calculate_before( partitioner=self, make_plots=make_plots, betweenness_range=betweenness_range ) logger.debug("Metrics for %s: %s",, self.metric)
[docs] def make_subgraphs_from_attribute( self, split_disconnected=False, min_edge_count=0, min_length=0 ): """Make component subgraphs from attribute. Method for child classes to make subgraphs from the attribute `self.attribute_label`, to analyze (dis-)connected components. For each partition makes a subgraph with the edges that have the attribute value of the partition. Write them to `self.component[i]["subgraph"]` with the name of the partition+`_component_`+`j`. Where `j` is the index of the component. Parameters ---------- split_disconnected : bool, optional If True, split the disconnected components into separate subgraphs. Default is False. min_edge_count : int, optional If split_disconnected is True, minimal size of a component to be considered as a separate subgraph. Default is 0. min_length : int, optional If split_disconnected is True, minimal length (in meters) of a component to be considered as a separate subgraph. Default is 0. Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). """ self.check_has_been_run() # Log making subgraphs "Making subgraphs for %s with attribute `%s`",, self.attribute_label, ) found_disconnected = False num_partitions = len(self.partitions) # Make component subgraphs from attribute for part in self.partitions: logger.debug("Making subgraph for partitions %s", part) part["subgraph"] = attribute.get_edge_subgraph_with_attribute_value( self.graph, self.attribute_label, part["value"] ) part["m"] = part["subgraph"].number_of_edges() part["n"] = part["subgraph"].number_of_nodes() part["length_total"] = sum( d["length"] for u, v, d in part["subgraph"].edges(data=True) ) if split_disconnected: self.components = [] for part in self.partitions: # Split disconnected components connected_components = weakly_connected_components(part["subgraph"]) # Make a list of connected components connected_components = list(connected_components) logger.debug( "Partition %s has %d conn. comp. In total %d nodes and %d edges.", part["name"], len(list(connected_components)), len(part["subgraph"].nodes), len(part["subgraph"].edges), ) if split_disconnected: found_disconnected = True # Add partitions for each connected component for i, component in enumerate(connected_components): attribute_edge_subgraph = self.graph.edge_subgraph( (u, v, k) for u, v, k, d in self.graph.subgraph(component).edges( data=True, keys=True ) if d.get(self.attribute_label) == part["value"] ) self.components.append( { "name": f"{part['name']}_component_{i}", "value": part["value"], "subgraph": attribute_edge_subgraph, "m": len(attribute_edge_subgraph.edges), "n": len(attribute_edge_subgraph.nodes), "length_total": sum( d["length"] for u, v, d in attribute_edge_subgraph.edges(data=True) ), } ) # Add 'ignore' attribute, based on min_edge_count and min_length self.components[-1]["ignore"] = ( self.components[-1]["m"] < min_edge_count or self.components[-1]["length_total"] < min_length ) # Log status about disconnected components found_disconnected = ( f"Found disconnected components in %s, splitting them. " f"There are {num_partitions} partitions, " f"and {len(self.partitions)} components. " f"Thereof are {len([c for c in self.components if not c['ignore']])} " f"components with more than {min_edge_count} edges and " f"more than {min_length} meters." if found_disconnected else "No disconnected components found in %s, nothing to split." ) logger.debug(found_disconnected, if split_disconnected: self.overwrite_attributes_of_ignored_components( attribute_name=self.attribute_label, attribute_value=None )
[docs] def set_components_from_sparsified(self): """Set components from sparsified graph. Method for child classes to set the components from the sparsified graph. The components are the connected components of the rest graph without the sparsified subgraph. The components are set to `self.components`, also overwriting the `self.partitions` attribute. """ split_up_isolated_edges_directed(self.graph, self.sparsified) # Find difference, edgewise, between the graph and the sparsified subgraph rest = self.graph.edge_subgraph( [ (u, v, k) for u, v, k in self.graph.edges(keys=True, data=False) if (u, v, k) not in self.sparsified.edges(keys=True) ] ).copy() rest.remove_nodes_from(self.sparsified.nodes()) logger.debug( "Making components from sparsified graph, " "rest graph has %d nodes and %d edges.", len(rest.nodes), len(rest.edges), ) # Find weakly connected components on the rest graph with split nodes wc_components = list(weakly_connected_components(rest)) self.attr_value_minmax = (0, len(wc_components)) self.partitions = [] undirected = self.graph.to_undirected() for i, component in enumerate(wc_components): # Find edges that are connected to the component nodes, on undirected graph edges = undirected.edges(component, keys=True) if not edges: # pragma: no cover logger.debug("Skipping empty component %d", i) continue subgraph = self.graph.edge_subgraph( # forward edges + backward edges - span directed graph from undirected list(edges) + [(v, u, k) for u, v, k in edges] ) self.partitions.append( { "name": f"residential_{i}", "value": i, "subgraph": subgraph, "m": subgraph.number_of_edges(), "n": subgraph.number_of_nodes(), "length_total": edge_length_total(subgraph), } ) self.components = self.partitions for component in self.components: component["ignore"] = False missing_edges = ( set(self.graph.edges) - set( chain.from_iterable(comp["subgraph"].edges for comp in self.components) ) - set(self.sparsified.edges) ) if missing_edges: # Add missing edges to the sparsified graph - they are connected to the # sparse graph on both sides, so they are not part of the components self.sparsified = self.graph.edge_subgraph( set(self.sparsified.edges) | missing_edges )
[docs] def set_sparsified_from_components(self): """Set sparsified graph from components. Method for child classes to set the sparsified graph from the components. The sparsified graph is the graph with all edges that are not in the components. The sparsified graph is set to `self.sparsified`. """ # list of edges in partitions, use components if not None, else partitions edges_in_partitions = { edge for component in self.get_ltns() for edge in component["subgraph"].edges(keys=True) } self.sparsified = self.graph.edge_subgraph( # set of all edges - set of edges in partitions set(list(self.graph.edges(keys=True))) - edges_in_partitions )
[docs] def overwrite_attributes_of_ignored_components( self, attribute_name, attribute_value=None ): """Overwrite attributes of ignored components. Method for child classes to overwrite the subgraph's edge attributes of ignored components. Overwrites the attribute `attribute_name` with `attribute_value` for all components that have the attribute `ignore` set to True. This is useful, for example, to overwrite the `self.attribute_label` attribute with `None` to make the subgraph invisible in the network plot (`self.plot_partition_graph()`). Also it will affect `self.graph`, as the component's subgraph is a view of the original graph. Parameters ---------- attribute_name : str Name of the attribute to overwrite. attribute_value : str, optional Value to overwrite the attribute with. Default is None. Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). AssertionError If `self.components` is not defined (the subgraphs have not been split into components). """ self.check_has_been_run() if self.components is None: raise AssertionError( f"Components have not been defined for {}. " f"Run `make_subgraphs_from_attribute` with `split_disconnected` " f"set to True." ) # Log overwriting attributes "Overwriting attributes of ignored components for attribute %s " "with value %s", attribute_name, attribute_value, ) # Overwrite attributes of ignored components if self.components: for component in self.components: if component["ignore"]: set_edge_attributes( component["subgraph"], attribute_value, attribute_name )
[docs] def add_component_tessellation(self, **tess_kwargs): """Add `cell` geometry to components. The population and area are determined independently. To visualize the cells anyway, this method adds a `cell` geometry, dissolving all edges of the component's `subgraph`. Parameters ---------- **tess_kwargs Keyword arguments for the :func:`superblockify.population.tessellation.get_edge_cells` function. """ # Tessellate graph add_edge_cells(self.graph, **tess_kwargs) for comp in self.get_ltns(): cells = ox.graph_to_gdfs(comp["subgraph"], nodes=False, edges=True) # Move cells to geometry column for diss cells["geometry"] = cells["cell"] del cells["cell"] comp["cell"] = cells.dissolve()["geometry"].iloc[0]
[docs] def get_ltns(self): """Get Superblock list. Returns ------- list Reference to self.components, if it is used, otherwise self.partitions """ return self.components if self.components else self.partitions
[docs] def get_partition_nodes(self): """Get the nodes of the partitioned graph. Returns list of dict with name of partition and list of nodes in partition. If partitions were split up into components with `make_subgraphs_from_attribute` and `split_disconnected` is set to True, the nodes of the components are returned. Per default, nodes are considered to be inside a partition if they are in the subgraph of the partition and not in the sparsified subgraph. Also, `ignored` components are left out. Nodes inside the sparsified graph are never inside a partition. Method can be overwritten by child classes to change the definition of which nodes to consider to be inside a partition. Returns ------- list of dict List of dict with `name` of partition, `subgraph` of partition and set of `nodes` in partition. Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). """ self.check_has_been_run() # List of partitions /unignored components # Only take `name`, `subgraph` and `representative_node_id` from the components partitions = [ { "name": part["name"], "subgraph": part["subgraph"], "rep_node": part["representative_node_id"], } for part in self.get_ltns() # if there is the key "ignore" and it is True, ignore the partition if not (part.get("ignore") is True) ] # Add a list of nodes "inside" each partition # - nodes that are not shared with the sparsified graph are considered to be # inside the partition # - from these the distances are calculated # - the nodes not in any partitions are considered as the unpartitioned nodes for part in partitions: part["nodes"] = { node for node in part["subgraph"].nodes() if part["subgraph"].degree(node) >= 1 and node not in self.sparsified.nodes } return partitions
[docs] def get_sorted_node_list(self): """Get a sorted list of nodes. Sorted after the number of nodes in the partition, followed by the unpartitioned nodes. Use `get_partition_nodes` to return a list of nodes. Returns ------- list of nodes List of nodes sorted after the name of the partition, followed by the unpartitioned nodes. """ # Get a node list for fixed order - sorted by partition name node_list = self.get_partition_nodes() # node_list is a list of dicts, which all have a "name" and "nodes" key # Make one long list out of all the nodes, # sorted by number of nodes in "subgraph" # node_list = sorted(node_list, key=lambda x: x["name"]) node_list = sorted(node_list, key=lambda x: len(x["nodes"]), reverse=True) node_list = [node for partition in node_list for node in partition["nodes"]] # Throw out duplicates, started from the back node_list = list(dict.fromkeys(node_list[::-1]))[::-1] # Should not change # anything if requirements are met # Add nodes that are not in a partition, only the key of nodes is needed node_list += [node for node in self.graph.nodes if node not in node_list] return node_list
[docs] def check_has_been_run(self): """Check if the partitioner has ran. Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). """ if self.partitions is None: raise AssertionError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} has no partitions, " f"run before plotting graph." ) if self.attribute_label is None: raise AssertionError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} has no `attribute_label` yet, " f"run before plotting graph." )
[docs] def load_or_find_graph(self, city_name, search_str, reload_graph=False): """Load or find graph if it exists. If graph :attr:`GRAPH_DIR`/name.graphml exists, load it. Else, find it using `search_str` and save it to :attr:`GRAPH_DIR`/name.graphml. Parameters ---------- city_name : str Name of the graph. It Can be the name of the place and also be descriptive. Not to confuse with the name of a class instance. search_str : str or list of str String to search for in OSM. Can be a list of strings to combine multiple search terms. Use nominatim to find the right search string. reload_graph : bool, optional If True, reload the graph even if it already exists. Returns ------- graph : networkx.MultiDiGraph Graph. Notes ----- :attr:`GRAPH_DIR` is set in :mod:`superblockify.config`. """ # Check if the graph already exists graph_path = join(Config.GRAPH_DIR, city_name + ".graphml") if exists(graph_path) and not reload_graph: logger.debug("Loading graph from %s", graph_path) graph = load_graphml_dtypes(graph_path) else: logger.debug("Finding graph with search string %s", search_str) graph = load_graph_from_place( save_as=graph_path, search_string=search_str, add_population=True, custom_filter=Config.NETWORK_FILTER, simplify=True, ) logger.debug("Saving graph to %s", graph_path) ox.save_graphml(graph, graph_path) return graph
# IO methods
[docs] def save( self, save_graph_copy=False, dismiss_distance_matrix=False, key_figures=False ): """Save the partitioner. Pickle the partitioner and save it to file. Metric object will be saved in a separate file. Parameters ---------- save_graph_copy : bool, optional If True, save the graph to a file. In the case the partitioner was initialized with a name and/or search string, the underlying graph is at :attr:`GRAPH_DIR`/name.graphml already. Only use this if you want to save a copy of the graph that has been modified by the partitioner. This is necessary for later plotting partitions, but not for component plots. dismiss_distance_matrix : bool, optional If True, dismiss the distance matrices in the metric object before saving. This can use a lot of memory. key_figures : bool, optional If True, save key figures to file. Notes ----- :attr:`GRAPH_DIR` is set in the :mod:`superblockify.config` module. """ if key_figures: self.save_key_figures() # Save graph if save_graph_copy: graph_path = join(self.results_dir, + ".graphml") logger.debug("Saving graph copy to %s", graph_path) ox.save_graphml(self.graph, filepath=graph_path) # Save metrics self.results_dir,, dismiss_distance_matrix=dismiss_distance_matrix ) # Save partitioner, with self.graph = None partitioner_path = join(self.results_dir, + ".partitioner") # Check if partitioner already exists if exists(partitioner_path): logger.debug("Partitioner already exists, overwriting %s", partitioner_path) else: logger.debug("Saving partitioner to %s", partitioner_path) with open(partitioner_path, "wb") as file: # Convert subgraph views to MultiDiGraphs for pickling if they exist if self.partitions is not None: for i, partition in enumerate(self.partitions): self.partitions[i]["subgraph"] = MultiDiGraph(partition["subgraph"]) if self.components is not None: for i, component in enumerate(self.components): self.components[i]["subgraph"] = MultiDiGraph(component["subgraph"]) # Convert self.sparsified to MultiDiGraph for pickling if self.sparsified is not None: self.sparsified = MultiDiGraph(self.sparsified) # Remove graph from partitioner graph = self.graph self.graph = None # Remove metric from partitioner metric = self.metric self.metric = None pickle.dump(self, file) # Restore graph self.graph = graph # Restore metric self.metric = metric
[docs] def save_key_figures( self, save_dir=join(Config.RESULTS_DIR, "key_figures"), name=None ): """Save key figures. Only saves graph attributes, essential metrics and the basic graph stats of the partitions. Parameters ---------- save_dir : str, optional Directory in which to save the key figures. If None, use :attr:`RESULTS_DIR`+`/key_figures`. name : str, optional Name of the key figures. If None, use :attr:`name`. "_key_figures.yml" will be appended to the name. Notes ----- :attr:`RESULTS_DIR` is set in the :mod:`superblockify.config` module. """ if name is None: name = logger.debug("Preparing key figures for %s.", name) # Create save directory if it does not exist if not exists(save_dir): logger.debug("Creating directory %s", save_dir) makedirs(save_dir) # Get key figures key_figures = get_key_figures(self) # Save key figures key_figures_path = join(save_dir, name + "_key_figures.yml")"Saving key figures to %s.", key_figures_path) with open(key_figures_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as file: yaml = YAML() yaml.dump(key_figures, file)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, name): """Load a partitioner. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the partitioner. This is the name of the folder in which the partitioner is saved. Also, the name of the graph and the metrics. Returns ------- partitioner : BasePartitioner Partitioner. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the partitioner cannot be found. Notes ----- The directories :attr:`GRAPH_DIR` and :attr:`RESULTS_DIR` are set in the :mod:`superblockify.config` module. """ # Load partitioner partitioner_path = join(Config.RESULTS_DIR, name, name + ".partitioner") logger.debug("Loading partitioner from %s", partitioner_path) with open(partitioner_path, "rb") as file: partitioner = pickle.load(file) # Load metric metric_path = join(Config.RESULTS_DIR, name, name + ".metrics") if exists(metric_path): logger.debug("Loading metric from %s", metric_path) partitioner.metric = Metric.load(name) else: logger.debug("Metric not found in %s, keeping empty", metric_path) return cls._load_graph(partitioner, name)
@classmethod def _load_graph(cls, partitioner, name): """Load the graph of a partitioner. Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner Partitioner with graph not loaded. name : str Name of the partitioner. This is the name of the folder in which the partitioner is saved. Also, the name of the graph and the metrics. Returns ------- partitioner : BasePartitioner Partitioner with graph loaded. """ # Load graph - if possible from RESULTS_DIR, else from GRAPH_DIR graph_path = join(Config.RESULTS_DIR, name, name + ".graphml") if exists(graph_path): logger.debug("Loading graph from %s", graph_path) partitioner.graph = load_graphml_dtypes( graph_path, partitioner.attribute_label, partitioner.attribute_dtype ) else: graph_path = join(Config.GRAPH_DIR, partitioner.city_name + ".graphml") if exists(graph_path): logger.debug("Loading graph from %s", graph_path) partitioner.graph = load_graphml_dtypes( graph_path, partitioner.attribute_label, partitioner.attribute_dtype ) else: # pragma: no cover logger.debug("Graph not found in %s, keeping empty", graph_path) return partitioner # Only if self.graph is not None, not if it could not be loaded. # Graphs of self.components need to be converted to be subgraphs of self.graph. if partitioner.components is not None: for i, component in enumerate(partitioner.components): if "subgraph" in component: partitioner.components[i]["subgraph"] = ( partitioner.graph.edge_subgraph(component["subgraph"].edges) ) # Graphs of self.partitions need to be converted to be subgraphs of self.graph. if partitioner.partitions is not None: for i, partition in enumerate(partitioner.partitions): if "subgraph" in partition: partitioner.partitions[i]["subgraph"] = ( partitioner.graph.edge_subgraph(partition["subgraph"].edges) ) # Convert self.sparsified to subgraph of self.graph. if partitioner.sparsified is not None: partitioner.sparsified = partitioner.graph.edge_subgraph( partitioner.sparsified.edges ) return partitioner