Source code for superblockify.partitioning.plot

"""Plotting functions for the partitioners."""

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, Normalize
from networkx import set_edge_attributes
from numpy import linspace, array

from .. import plot
from ..attribute import determine_minmax_val
from ..config import logger, Config

[docs] def plot_partition_graph(partitioner, **pba_kwargs): """Plotting the partitions with color on graph. Plots the partitioned graph, just like `plot.paint_streets` but that the *partitions* have a uniform color. Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner The partitioner to plot. pba_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `superblockify.plot_by_attribute`. Returns ------- fig, axe : tuple matplotlib figure, axis Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). """ partitioner.check_has_been_run() # Log plotting "Plotting partitions graph for %s with attribute `%s`",, partitioner.attribute_label, ) fig, axe = plot.plot_by_attribute( partitioner.graph, edge_attr=partitioner.attribute_label, edge_minmax_val=partitioner.attr_value_minmax, **pba_kwargs, ) axe.set_title(f"Street network for {}") return fig, axe
[docs] def plot_component_graph(partitioner, **pba_kwargs): """Plotting the components with color on graph. Plots the graph with the components, just like `plot.paint_streets` but that the *components* have a uniform color. Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner The partitioner to plot. pba_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `superblockify.plot_by_attribute`. Returns ------- fig, axe : tuple matplotlib figure, axis Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). AssertionError If `partitioner.components` is not defined (the subgraphs have not been split into components). """ partitioner.check_has_been_run() if partitioner.components is None: raise AssertionError( f"Components have not been defined for {}. " f"Run `make_subgraphs_from_attribute` with `split_disconnected` " f"set to True." ) # Log plotting "Plotting component graph for %s with attribute `%s`",, partitioner.attribute_label, ) # Bake component labels into graph for component in partitioner.components: if not component["ignore"]: set_edge_attributes( component["subgraph"], component["name"], "component_name", ) cmap = plt.get_cmap("prism") # So markers for representative nodes are not the same color as the edges, # where they are placed on, construct a new color map from the prism color # map, but which is darker. Same colors as cmap, but all values are # multiplied by 0.75, except the alpha value, which is set to 1. dark_cmap = ListedColormap( array([cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)]) * array([0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1]) ) fig, axe = plot.plot_by_attribute( partitioner.graph, edge_attr="component_name", edge_attr_types="categorical", edge_cmap=cmap, edge_minmax_val=None, node_attr="representative_node_name", node_attr_types="categorical", node_cmap=dark_cmap, node_minmax_val=None, node_size=40, node_zorder=2, **pba_kwargs, ) axe.set_title(f"Street network with colored Superblocks for {}") # Add a legend with dummy entries # - black line: Sparse Network # - colored line: Superblocks # - circle of same color: Representative node legend_handles = [ plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", lw=2, label="Sparse Network"), ] # Extract colors from colormap num_colors = len(partitioner.components) colors = [cmap(i / num_colors) for i in range(num_colors)] for i, color in enumerate(colors[:2]): # Only show first two Superblocks legend_handles.append( plt.Line2D([0], [0], color=color, lw=2, label=f"Superblock {i + 1}") ) legend_handles.append( plt.Line2D( [0], [0], color=color, lw=0, marker="o", label=f"Representative node {i + 1}", ) ) # Add a "..." entry to indicate more Superblocks legend_handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color="gray", lw=2, label="...")) # place legend outside of plot axe.legend(handles=legend_handles, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) # tight layout fig.tight_layout() return fig, axe
[docs] def plot_component_rank_size(partitioner, measure): """Plot a rank distribution of the component sizes. Scatter plot of the component sizes, sorted after the rank of the component. Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner The partitioner to plot. measure : str, optional Way to measure component size. Can be 'edges', 'length' or 'nodes'. xticks : list of numbers or strings, optional List of xticks to use. If None, the xticks are seven evely spaced numbers between the partitioner.attr_value_minmax. Returns ------- fig, axe : tuple matplotlib figure, axis Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). ValueError If measure is not 'edges', 'length' or 'nodes'. """ partitioner.check_has_been_run() if measure not in ["edges", "length", "nodes"]: raise ValueError( f"Measure '{measure}' is not supported, " f"use 'edges', 'length' or 'nodes'." ) # Find number of edges in each component for each partition key_name = ( "length_total" if measure == "length" else "n" if measure == "nodes" else "m" ) component_size = [] ignore = [] # If subgraphs were split, use components if partitioner.components: logger.debug("Using components for plotting.") for comp in partitioner.components: component_size.append(comp[key_name]) ignore.append(comp["ignore"]) # Else use partitions else: logger.debug("Using partitions for plotting.") for part in partitioner.partitions: component_size.append(part[key_name]) ignore = None # Sort component sizes, ignore ignored components component_size = array(component_size) if ignore: component_size = component_size[~array(ignore)] component_size = sorted(component_size, reverse=True) # Log plotting "Plotting component size rank for %s with attribute `%s`",, partitioner.attribute_label, ) # Plot fig, axe = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) # Plot component size rank axe.scatter( range(len(component_size)), component_size, s=10, marker="o", color="k", zorder=2, ) axe.set_xlabel("Superblock rank", fontsize=12) unit = "m" if measure == "length" else "nodes" if measure == "nodes" else "edges" measure = "street length" if measure == "length" else measure axe.set_ylabel(f"Superblock size ({measure} ({unit}))", fontsize=12) axe.set_title( f"Superblock size rank for {} with attribute " f"`{partitioner.attribute_label}`", fontsize=13, ) axe.set_yscale("log") axe.set_ylim(bottom=1) axe.set_xlim(left=-1) axe.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axe
[docs] def plot_subgraph_component_size(partitioner, measure, xticks=None, **pcs_kwargs): """Plot the size of the subgraph components of the partitions. Scatter plot of the size of the subgraph components of each partition type. Parameters ---------- partitioner : BasePartitioner The partitioner to plot. measure : str, optional Way to measure component size. Can be 'edges', 'length' or 'nodes'. xticks : list of numbers or strings, optional List of xticks to use. If None, the xticks are seven evely spaced numbers between the partitioner.attr_value_minmax. pcs_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to `superblockify.plot.plot_component_size`. Returns ------- fig, axe : tuple matplotlib figure, axis Raises ------ AssertionError If BasePartitioner has not been run yet (the partitions are not defined). ValueError If measure is not 'edges', 'length' or 'nodes'. """ partitioner.check_has_been_run() if measure not in ["edges", "length", "nodes"]: raise ValueError( f"Measure '{measure}' is not supported, " f"use 'edges', 'length' or 'nodes'." ) # Find number of edges in each component for each partition key_name = ( "length_total" if measure == "length" else "n" if measure == "nodes" else "m" ) component_size = [] component_values = [] ignore = [] # If subgraphs were split, use components if partitioner.components: logger.debug("Using components for plotting.") for comp in partitioner.components: component_size.append(comp[key_name]) component_values.append(comp["value"]) ignore.append(comp["ignore"]) # Else use partitions else: logger.debug("Using partitions for plotting.") for part in partitioner.partitions: component_size.append(part[key_name]) component_values.append(part["value"]) ignore = None if xticks is None: xticks = list(linspace(*partitioner.attr_value_minmax, 7)) # Plot return plot.plot_component_size( graph=partitioner.graph, attr=partitioner.attribute_label, component_size=component_size, component_values=component_values, size_measure_label=f"Component size ({measure})", ignore=ignore,, minmax_val=partitioner.attr_value_minmax, xticks=xticks, **pcs_kwargs, )
[docs] def plot_speed_un_restricted( graph, sparsified, v_s=Config.V_MAX_SPARSE, v_ltn=Config.V_MAX_LTN, cmap="viridis", ): """Plot the speed limit of the edges of a graph before and after restrictions. Side-by-side plot of the speed limits of the edges of a graph, before and after restrictions. Both maps use a shared colorbar. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.MultiDiGraph The graph to plot the speed limits of. Needs to have `speed_kph` as the unrestricted speed limit. sparsified : networkx.MultiDiGraph The sparsified graph, optimally a view of the original graph. v_s : float The max speed for the edges of the sparsified graph. v_ltn : float The max speed for the remaining edges. cmap : str The colormap to use. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure containing the plot. axe : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes containing the plot. """ # Create a wide figure with two subplots and the specified size fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) # Find min and max speed limits minmax_val = determine_minmax_val(graph, None, "speed_kph", attr_type="edge") # include v_s and v_ltn in the minmax_val tuple minmax_val = (min(minmax_val[0], v_s, v_ltn), max(minmax_val[1], v_s, v_ltn)) # Write a new attribute to the graph with the restricted speed limits - all edges in # sparsified graph have speed limit v_s, all other edges have speed limit v_ltn for edge in graph.edges: if edge in sparsified.edges: graph.edges[edge]["speed_kph_restricted"] = v_s else: graph.edges[edge]["speed_kph_restricted"] = v_ltn # Plot original max speed limits on left side plot.plot_by_attribute( graph, "speed_kph", edge_cmap=cmap, edge_minmax_val=minmax_val, ax=axes[0], ) # Plot restricted max speed limits on right side plot.plot_by_attribute( graph, "speed_kph_restricted", edge_cmap=cmap, edge_minmax_val=minmax_val, ax=axes[1], ) # Set titles axes[0].set_title("Original speed limits", fontsize=20) axes[1].set_title("Restricted speed limits", fontsize=20) # Set shared colorbar cbar = fig.colorbar( ScalarMappable( norm=Normalize(vmin=minmax_val[0], vmax=minmax_val[1]), cmap=cmap, ), ax=axes, ) cbar.set_label("Speed limit (km/h)", fontsize=20, labelpad=20)"left") return fig, axes